Sunday, October 25, 2009
All these great projects...that I can't tell you about
I don't know if it's harder for me to stop myself from telling others about the projects I'm working on, or to keep them from catching me working on it! So, even though I have not posted a lot recently, trust me, I am super busy, and I have the week after Christmas off, so there will be tons of time for me to update you all on what has been keeping me busy.
Right now I am preparing for Halloween, just like everyone else. Now, I don't craft or decorate for Halloween like some do, I'm not big on skeletons and ghosts, sure we'll carve pumpkins, but I enjoy the day after Halloween the most. My home is decorated in beautiful, rich, autumn colors (we moved in in the fall and I was inspired), so for the entire autumn season I am on the hunt for decorator items in those colors that don't scream "FALL". I love these colors all year round, but I don't particularly want to see pumpkins and scarecrows all year round, so I get to be very creative.
The day after Halloween is my bargain paradise. As soon as Halloween is over all of the autumn items are liquidated to make room for Christmas stuff, that's when I really go on the hunt!
I hope that you all enjoy your Halloween festivities, be safe and check in for updates on my post-Halloween bargains!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Comforting finds for cold and flu season

Another absolute necessity is a great coffee mug. Whether you like coffee, tea, or my favorite, spiced apple cider, a warm drink makes a sore throat feel better every time. The bigger the mug, the better. Here some sophisticated handcrafted mugs from JustWork.
Nothing beats a great blanket for curling up on the couch with my coffee, tissues, and General Hospital. I have a couple of criteria for what constitutes a great blanket. First, it has to be fleece, because fleece is always fuzzy and warm, it doesn't take on the chill in the air. Secondly, a great blanket has to be extra large in size, so that all of me, from my neck to my toes, can fit underneath the blanket. Here is a super cute blanket from katesblankets.
These three things may not actually make me feel better, but they do make me more comfortable. Now I'm off for some good old fashion R&R, let me know what you need when you're sick and I'll post it for everyone!
Monday, October 12, 2009
A new take on a familiar project
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Time to rejuvenate!

Monday, September 28, 2009
It's time to re-evaluate

The most important thing for me to remember is that I loved working on projects for Obsessively Organized, but during the last couple of weeks all I have been is frustrated, it seems as though nothing has gone right. I really want to get back to that place where I enjoy what I do, and I enjoy checking my email to look for a sale.
Hopefully things will slow down a little once I get adjusted to my new work schedule and I can pick up my Obsessively Organized projects again and add to my inventory before the holiday season. I will definitely keep you all posted! I so enjoy having a space to share my little dramas!
Rain and Football - Just my luck
We sat in the south stands, with a great view of the entire field.
Script Ohio! The football team is great, but it's worth going to the game just to see the band do the script Ohio in person.
Check out that nasty cloud, I promise it was 10 times darker in person, I of course had no idea that it was supposed to rain, so taking rain gear never even crossed my mind, but it certainly wouldn't have been the same experience if I had stayed dry!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Sweet Treats

(Image from BirdMom). These incredible little bite sized candies are like heaven! Creamy peanut butter centers dipped in chocolate, what more could you ask for. They get their name because of their resemblence to the nut of the buckeye tree, Ohio's state tree, however, a buckeye (nut) is poisonous, and a buckeye candy is only bad for you if you eat too many of them (which I have done on a number of occasions!)
Enjoy your weekend, I will post pictures from the game as soon as I have a chance.
On a completely unrelated note, I am so frustrated by issues that I have been having with my printer. I have a wonderful Brother Laser Printer, and I love it, but the toner is incredibly expensive, so I have tried a couple of different options for cheaper toner cartridges. First I ordered a supposedly compatible generic toner cartridge, which of course was not actually compatible, so I had to send that back and I am still waiting on a refund, then I ordered from an online discount ink supplier. Ha this has been a joke, first my ink was back ordered, then they promised they would overnight it, then it got sent ground "by accident" so I am still waiting for it almost two weeks later. I've learned my lesson, next time I'll just go pick it up from Office Max, it's more expensive but the service is worth it!
Monday, September 21, 2009
Just a quick thanks!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
I love fall!
Friday, September 18, 2009
Friday nights
My plans for tomorrow include a little crafting (or maybe I'll do some of that tonight still...) and then I'm going to check out the Harrison Rally Days festival in Perrysburg Ohio. I'm excited to see a lot of crafters and artists and hopefully get some inspiration!
I hope that everyone has a great weekend!
Seasonal Treats!

If you need a little pick me up today I suggest you head over to the plants and edibles category on Etsy and do a quick search using the term "autumn" oh my goodness the results are all incredible, yes it might make you crave something sweet, but it is also a feat for the eyes!
On that note I am off to spend my last day before I start working doing one of my favorite things in the world; outlet shopping! Enjoy your Friday!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Get Organized!
Monday, September 14, 2009
Pictures from Amish Country
I'm Back!
While I was away I received a job offer, which made my vacation a wonderful celebration and a last hurrah for summer since I will be going back to work next week. I have a lot to prepare before then, so my posts may be less often than they had been previously, but I will definitely continue blogging and selling on Etsy, no worries!
Check back for my vacation pictures, they will be up soon!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Sweet Treats!
To start, take 2 slices of bread and butter one side of each slice. Open the pie iron and place the buttered side of one slice against the metal pie iron. Top this slice of bread (non-buttered side) with any type of fruit pie filling, my favorites are apple and cherry pie filling. Then place the second slice of bread (non-buttered side) on top of the pie filling, and close the pie iron. The butter helps to keep the bread from sticking to the pie iron. Then you stick the iron in the fire. According to Andrea Meyers at it should remain in the fire for 2 to 3 minutes. Let the iron cool a little, then open it up (carefully!) and voila!

Visit Andrea's website (linked above) and check out some more of her gorgeous photos! I've got pies to make!

Finally, this Amish Friendship Bread soy candle is available from lilyladyscreations . I would absolutely buy this candle, I'm adding it to my favorites as we speak. If you have never smelled fresh baked Amish Friendship Bread then you are definitely missing out, and friendship bread has a wonderful story. You receive a friendship bread starter mixture in a plastic baggie from a friend. It comes with specific instructions of what to do with the starter each day, some days you stir it, some days you add different ingredients, and some days you just leave it alone. After 10 days you bake your own loaf using only one or two cups of the mixture. The leftover mixture is then separated into three starters, which you give to three friends. It's a really cute idea, if you remember to check the instructions everyday.
I also appreciate that lilyladyscreations makes soy candles, farmers right here in Ohio grow a lot of soybeans, it's one of the three major crops of this region - Support our farmers!
I hope that you all enjoy these wonderful Amish themed products, I can't wait to share all my pictures when I return!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Weekly Organizing Tip
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Busy Busy Week Ahead
When I got it up and running again I did manage to list a gift card in my Etsy shop. It is good for $25, the perfect gift because then the recipient can choose their own planner from Obsessively Organized!
Today is being devoted to getting myself back in gear for my busy week. I am starting a new project today, making a baby quilt for a friends' mom to give to a relative. It is wonderful to be able to help people with all of these projects, maybe that's a direction for my business to go I could be a crafting consultant, well it would never get boring!
I am also going to spend the week packing because Thursday night I am going on vacation! My boyfriend, Aaron, and I are going to take his new camper out for the weekend. We are going to visit his brother in Wooster Ohio and then spend some time in Amish country.
I am off to run some errands, I cannot put off buying printer toner any longer unfortunately, have a wonderful day and check back tomorrow for organizing tips!
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Desperately Clinging to Summer

Labor Day Weekend
Now I'm off to do some of those chores that I can just never seem to find time for during the week, like washing the dog!
Have a wonderful extra day off!
Friday, September 4, 2009
It's Friday!
The first treat is available around the country, and I generally would rather post something that you can make yourself, but this is my all time favorite fall treat, so I have to share it with you. This past week has been wonderful because I had my very first Pumpkin Spice Latte of the season!

3 eggs
1 1/4 cups packed light brown sugar
1 cup granulated sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 12-ounce jar creamy peanut butter
1 stick butter, softened
1/2 cup multi-colored chocolate candies (M&Ms)
1/2 cup chocolate chips
1/4 cup raisins, optional
2 teaspoons baking soda
4 1/2 cups quick-cooking oatmeal (not instant)
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Line cookie sheets with parchment paper or nonstick baking mats.
In a very large mixing bowl, combine the eggs and sugars. Mix well. Add the salt, vanilla, peanut butter, and butter. Mix well. Stir in the chocolate candies, chocolate chips, raisins, if using, baking soda, and oatmeal. Drop by tablespoons 2 inches apart onto the prepared cookie sheets.
Bake for 8 to 10 minutes. Do not overbake. Let stand for about 3 minutes before transferring to wire racks to cool. When cool, store in large resealable plastic bags.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
New Designs for Fall and Winter 2009!
Here are my first ever completely original cover designs! These will be available as covers to my planners, wedding books, teacher planners, travel planners, and address books in my Etsy shop ( for the upcoming holiday season. No worries, these are not the only covers that I will have, I will still have the gorgeous covers made with my favorite scrapbooking papers, but the designs that I am introducing right now are done with my own hand drawn images.
This is the label for the line. I love it because it incorporates parts of each design!
Feisty is the design that I featured the other day, it is the first one that I finished, and after I got it done I was on a roll! The image on the right is the full cover, while the one on the left is a close up of the embellishment.

Lively is a lot of fun, and a lot to look at! It has a very sweet feel and each leaf is attached with a green eyelet.

Playful is really great because the polka dots make you think sweet and innocent, but the black lace adds a little mischief! This is the design that I used for the travel mug that I blogged about yesterday.
I can't decide which one I like the best, it depends on what mood I'm in, but that's a good thing I guess. Let me know which is your favorite, I would love to hear from you!